The Middle East: Promise and Peril

Presented by Dr. Joseph J Baxer, President
United Nations Association of Connecticut

Tuesday, October 15
7:00-8:00 pm

The Middle East appears to be in disarray. The Arab Awakening is crushed by Arab autocrats. Consider Saudi Arabia! Sunni and Shia tensions continue. No settlement is on the radar screen for Israel and Palestine. Millions are displaced from a devastated Syria. Persian Iran is ambitious, Turkey in upheaval. The Gulf States are accused of human rights abuses. In this patchwork perilous puzzle, what may be signs of hope, promise? Returning from visits to the Arab Gulf States and drawing on previous visits to Iran, Syria, Turkey, Egypt and Israel, Dr. Baxer will reflect on this complex situation and invite a dialogue.

Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at