Supporting Positive Behavior at Home

As all parents know, managing children is not an easy thing to do. The good news is that scientists and researchers have discovered strategies and information that can help manage and support the behavior of children. Teachers often attend professional development sessions to learn about these strategies and, now, the Pawling Free Library is offering parents the opportunity to learn how they can use many of these strategies at home to support positive behavior. Join presenter Ruairi Gribbon for this series of four 1-hour, in-person sessions starting 4/26 at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Library Annex.

4/26- Understanding the Science of Behavior

5/3- Setting Expectations and Teaching Wanted Behaviors

5/10- Positive Reinforcement, Effective Error Correction and Other Behavior Strategies

5/17- Intensive Support and Getting Help from Others

Ruairi Gribbon is the Director of the Mid-Hudson Regional Partnership Center which supports schools in the Mid-Hudson Region of New York through the goal of improving positive outcomes for students with disabilities. He is also a part-time faculty member with Marist College’s School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Ruairi has three children of his own and has been presenting information related to student/child behavior to parents and teachers for ten years. He has previously worked as classroom teacher, instructional math coach, school building leader, behavior specialist, and central office administrator.

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