It’s time for an increase in our budget.
Free public libraries are a benefit to American democracy. A library may not charge patrons directly, but relies on local tax support, individual contributions, and grants to cover general operating expenses. Free, open access to information and services reflects not only our core values but also the New York State Education law which governs libraries.
It has been nine years since the Pawling Library asked the taxpayers to approve an increase to the amount of money it receives from the town. While we appreciate what we currently receive from the taxpayers, library services and the cost of providing them have both increased over time. The current appropriation is not enough to provide the level of services that our community has come to expect.
So in November, the voting ballot will include a referendum to increase the library’s annual taxpayer-funded budget by $60,000 or an average increase of as little as $11.44 per household. Our library has enjoyed a long history within the Pawling community, and a vote of support on November 6th can enable the library to continue services at the level you have come to expect.
Here are answers to other questions you may have. If they’re not answered here, please feel free to contact the library and we will get an answer for you!