Understanding the Language of the Brain in order to Heal the Body
Tuesday, March 27 / 7:00-8:00 pm
Your brain is in charge of the body. It sends signals when healing is needed. Unless you understand the language used by your brain you might miss the signals. When this happens an imbalance takes place and illness occurs.
Please join us for this informative presentation and learn how to interpret the brains extraordinary alert system; your key to health and wellness.
Our brain knows the answers; our mind just needs a little guidance.
About our presenter: Dr. Nancy Iankowitz is a board certified family nurse practitioner, director of Holistic and Integrative Healing LLC, and host of ‘Marcy’s World’ on WPWL 103.7 Pawling Public Radio – a community service offered to help parents communicate effectively with their children, and an ongoing effort to build community wellness by building a wellness community. She is the author of several books, contributes to the ‘Health and Wellness’ section of The Pawling Record, edits peer reviewed nursing journals and texts, offers “Healing Through Journaling” workshops, and enjoys teaching nursing students at both the college and university level.
Registration is required. To register please call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444.