The United Nations: Communicating Hope in an Age of Peril
Tuesday, April 16
7:00-8:00 pm
What is the United Nations? Why established? How is it organized? What are the United Nations accomplishments and failures? Our era does have its challenges: climate change, the unsettled Middle east, wildcard Russia, nuclear weapons in rogue countries, financial volatility, an emerging China, stateless terrorists … and much more. Amidst these crises is the UN, an organization that gathers representatives from 193 countries under one roof.
About our presenter: Dr. Robert J. Petrausch is an expert in communication and head of the public relations concentration and former chair of the Department of Mass Communication at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. He has a doctorate in education from the Department of Organization and Leadership at Columbia University. Dr. Petrausch has published in the field of communications, public relations and organizational learning. He is a former chief communications officer for a Fortune 500 company. He has also served in senior communications positions for global companies such as Shell Oil and GE. With regard to military service, he served as Captain in the United States Air Force. He was the former president of the Westchester-Fairfield Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, and is a member of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and now serves on the board of directors for the Connecticut chapter of the United Nations Association.
This presentation is being brought to us by the United Nations Association of Connecticut.
Registration is required. Call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444 to register or send an email to Donald at