Submit your artwork to Front Street Gallery

The Pawling Library & Front Street Gallery Present

A New Chapter: Group Art Show

Alexander Graham Bell said, “When one door closes another door opens.” Opportunities abound and what many fail to realize is that we make our own opportunities. We are not required to follow a preordained map. Our story can go in any direction. The unfolding is unending, as our soul searches for what brings us the greatest joy: the fulfillment of experiencing who we truly are. In the journey there is freedom to explore, and always a desire for more. One chapter ends and a new chapter begins.


Important Dates

Mar. 26: Deadline–submissions must be emailed or received by 12:00 am.
Mar 31: Notification of accepted work sent to artists.
April. 13-15: Delivery of accepted work to gallery.
April 28: Opening Reception at Front Street Gallery, 10:00 am-2:00 pm.

See here for details:

We look forward to seeing you at the show!