Summer Programs Now For Teens!

Calling all teens from 6th-12th grade!
There are now things to do in Pawling at the Pawling Library.  This summer there is a program almost every day! From photography and computer programming classes to picnics and movies, the summer has been planned and packed just for you.

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You may sign up for any of the programs and classes you would like to attend and skip all the others, it’s up to you.  You don’t even need to come into the library to sign up! Just go over all the programs on our Teen Programs web page and pick out what you like, then send me an email( with your choices!  You can sign up now and throughout the summer.

So get out of your parents basement and come have some fun! All activities and programs are completely free so feed your pig and enjoy this summer.  See you soon!
~Nicole Curcio Pawling Library Teen Programmer.