How To Make A Self-Published Book Not Look Self-Published
Tuesday, December 12 / 7:00-8:00 pm
Some books just scream “Self-published.”
How can you avoid this, when creating your own precious book?
Marian Grudko, storyteller, composer and book editor, has distilled the key elements that go into making not only a professional-grade manuscript, but a finished product that looks traditionally published.
By following her expert guidance, you can make your book look like it came off the presses of one of the Big Five (publishers, that is!)
As a bonus, storyteller Marian Grudko will read excerpts from one of the books she edited and published, The Fairy Tale Book of Bifford C. Wellington, by T.A. Young.
Registration is required. To register please call the Pawling Library at 845-855-3444.