We know just what we’ll do with this increase in budget.
Since the Pawling Library has not asked for an increase in budget since 2009, you can imagine that we are in need of these funds. In the event of a successful vote, we will apply these added funds toward library operations, including the provision of physical and digital materials, programs and events, physical space, and computers that reflect the current and future needs of the Pawling community. These funds will also help us keep pace with the inflationary costs of salaries and healthcare.
Our needs were in fact reflected in patron responses to our community survey. They indicated that the library could improve or expand on the following:
- Additional space for teens
- Better parking
- Expanded collections of e-books, DVD’s, historical materials, poetry, etc.
- Modernize furniture
- Expand morning hours
- Expand outreach to the schools
- Add to the number of new-release books
Results from the community survey not only inform the library on the community’s points of view, but they also affirm that we are on the right path. For example, two things that were being explored before the survey was released were building improvements such as a new roof & newer furniture, and the creation of a designated space for teen use.