COME TOGETHER PAWLING: Viewing of TED TALK video on How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation and discussion / Online Program

Monday, August 30
7-8 pm

Click the link below to register for COME TOGETHER PAWLING or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at


Each month, in a respectful and open environment, we’ll explore a new topic led by a different community leader.

At the start of the program, we’ll be watching a 15-minute TED TALKS video, entitled How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation, with Professor Sinan Aral.

Following the viewing, we’ll open up a group discussion led by Edward J. Grippe Ph. D.

Our wellness as individuals and as a community depends on continued sharing, support and conversation in times of celebration as well as in times of conflict.

Come Together and join us in fostering deeper conversations, listening to disparate experiences and points of view in the realm of challenging context such as racism, sexism, bipartisanship, whiteness and social justice.

We understand that these conversations could be difficult to have, and believe that by coming together to find the willingness to listen and learn, we can aspire to create a stronger Pawling, where ALL community members feel safe, welcome and represented.

This program is being provided through a partnership with the Pawling Library and Pawling Yoga & Wellness.


About our presenter: Edward J. Grippe received Ph. D. in Philosophy from The City University of New York, Graduate Center. He was a Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at Norwalk Community College, and currently, Professor Emeritus. He also is an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Bedford Hill Correctional Facility. He has served as Chair of Norwalk Community College’s Humanities Department, and is a board member of the Pawling NY Central Schools District. He has worked as an ethical consultant and was Vice Chair of his town’s Ethics Board. He has authored a book, Richard Rorty’s New Pragmatism: Neither Liberal Nor Free [Continuum 2007], as well as several articles on Richard Rorty’s pragmatism, Plato, applied ethics, and democratic governance. He has served as Subscription Editor for the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Moderator, for the Society for Philosophy in Contemporary World, Organizer of Norwalk CC’s Great Ideas Days, Co-organizer for the Society for the Study of Life Ethics, and has worked as a Civic Reflection Facilitator at various institutions.