Brownie Troop 10017 Helps Others in Need! Can you help them?

GS10017Every year Girls Scouts World Wide on World Thinking Day choose a local community program to donate their time and resources to. This year the Pawling Girl Scout Unit 109 decided to help the Dutchess Outreach Program.
Dutchess Outreach Program survives on limited funds.  They depend heavily on donations and volunteers to keep their programs open and running.  A few of the Girl Scout troops  donated time to their lunch program, others collected food to donate. Troop 10017 decided to donate toiletries which are items that are in high demand, but not thought of often when people donate supplies.  We are collecting child and adult size diapers, feminine napkins, toilet paper, soap, wash clothes and shaving supplies.


The Pawling Library is proud to help this effort by providing space for the special collection box in the main GS10017bentrance of the library.  Please help Girl Scout Brownie Troop 10017 by purchasing some of these items and dropping them off when you visit the library.  Donations will be brought to Dutchess Outreach on Saturday, March 21st.


Many thanks for supporting this thoughtful effort!