Stories about the Animals at a Farm Sanctuary / Online Program

Thursday, July 22
7-8 pm

Click the link below to register for Stories about the Animals at a Farm Sanctuary or contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at

Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary provides a lifelong home to farm animals rescued from slaughter and abuse. The sanctuary currently has 110 animals, including goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkeys, donkeys, and horses. The farm’s cofounders, Ellen and Bill Crain, will tell the stories of some of the animals. The program will be of interest to children as well as adults.

About our presenters: Ellen Crain is a retired pediatrician. She is a professor emerita at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Bill Crain is a professor of psychology at The City College of New York. He is the author of The Emotional Lives of Animals and Children: Insights from a Farm Sanctuary.

For more information about Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary please visit