June is here and that means summer is on the way! For your children, that signals many things…warmer weather, the end of the school year, no more homework and lots of time to do the things that they want to do.
Unfortunately for many children, it is also the beginning of the “summer slide.” It is estimated that during the summer break from school the average student will lose up to one month of instruction. For many students with limited access to books or fragile skills, the loss can be even more devastating. Summer reading loss is also cumulative. By the end of 6th grade, children who do not read over the summer can be up to two years behind their peers!
One of the best ways to help your child navigate the summer successfully is right in our community…the Pawling Library! Our library summer reading programs are one solution to the “summer slide.” Studies have found that children can benefit from programs that combine developmentally appropriate practices with academic enrichment. That’s what the Pawling Library Summer Core Literacy Program is all about. In Pawling, as in many other communities, we are working hard to create programs that look and feel different from the classroom, but still offer opportunities for reading. In addition to literacy related activities, children in library programs benefit from related projects, arts & crafts and other special workshops designed to enhance and encourage reading. We also offer paper and on-line reading logs to inspire your child to read and watch their progress grow!
Study after study has shown the advantage of Public Library Summer Reading Programs for your child. You can read more about these studies at the New York State Education Department’s web site, but it was best summarized by State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, who said, “Summer reading programs put books in the hands of thousands of students and help students build reading skills, prevent summer learning loss and prepare for a successful school year.”
The program staff at the Pawling Library is hard at work creating summer programs to engage, excite and motivate your young reader. This summer we’ll explore a health & fitness theme On You Mark, Get set…READ! You can get fit with us this summer with programs for every part of you! From the creative you to your brain and emotions, we’ve got something to tap into your child’s interests and talents that will help keep them reading this summer! Look at our program line-up on our web site at or email Ms. Karen or Miss Bethany to ask for a program mini-guide that outlines program offerings. We are sure you’ll find programs that are perfect for your child.
Our lottery registration for all children’s summer programs will open on Friday, June 10th at 12:00 pm and run through Saturday, June 18th at 4:00 pm. So pick up a lottery registration form at out circulation desk! Don’t miss this opportunity to keep your child reading this summer and loving every minute of it. All free, and all waiting for you at the Pawling Library, where we invite everyone to get fit this summer!