
The Library chartered in 1921, It was initially located on the second floor of the Pawling Firehouse. Today, the Pawling Library occupies two buildings: a main library and an annex. The main building was acquired in 1963, expanded in 1973, and renovated in 2002. More recently, the Library acquired the “Yellow House” next door, and currently uses this building as its annex for library programs and meetings.

Our Staff

Chris Fisher, Library Director
Tom Clemmons, Circulation Manager
Neena McBaer, Children’s Program Coordinator
Maureen Meltzer-McGrath, Young Adult Program Coordinator
Donald Partelow, Adult Program Coordinator

Lisa Geocos, Library Clerk
Celinda Gomez, Library Clerk
Julieta Leon-DeJesus, Library Clerk
Rose Mancuso, Library Clerk
Vero Vertiz, Library Clerk

Board of Trustees

Amy Emke (President)
Megan Burlington (Vice President)
Karen Franco (Secretary)
Trinity Boscardin (Treasurer)

Pat Duffy
Heather Fidler
Katy Fritts
Pauline Mansfield
Stephanie McLaughlin
Wanda Rusiecki

Board of Trustees Meetings:
Board of Trustees meetings are held monthly and are open to the public. Regular board meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at 6:45 PM in the Community Room or our Library Annex. Check our Calendar or call the library to confirm the exact date and time of the next meeting. View our Archive of Board Minutes for past meetings.