Community Resources: COVID-19

Community Resources: COVID-19

Life is changing fast nowadays, but there’s resources to help those in need. This page includes information and links to resources in our community at the state, county, and local levels. Please contact us at if you are aware of additional services being offered to our community that are not listed here.


Finding Reliable Information and Local Information Food and Toiletries Masks and Face Coverings Emergency Childcare
Utilities Job openings and Unemployment Health and Mental Health /Parenting Resources Crisis Hotlines and Help


Finding Reliable Information:

The Town of Pawling is working hard, updating their page constantly with up to date information for our community:

There are several institutions to look towards with factual, up to date health information on COVID-19. Visit our page “Finding Reliable Health Information During a Pandemic” for these resources.

In general, the Center for Disease Control ( and  Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health ( offer high quality information.

List of Local Resources: The Pawling School District has compiled a list of local resources and services available for those in need, of meals, toiletries, legal advice, and more. Access it here.

No cost internet access: PCSD has also put together information on many no cost internet access programs available. View it here 

¿Hablas español? Se puede encontrar información sobre los recursos y programas para la familia del condado de Dutchess aqui. Información sobre obtener Internet sin costo está aquí.


Food and Toiletries:

Summer Student Meals:

The Pawling Central School District (PCDS) is accepting registrations for students to get free meals for July-August. PCSD  students and/or siblings 18 years old or younger, living in a household with a Pawling district student, can sign up.

Visit to sign up and see distribution sites. Call 845-855-4605 for assistance.

¿Hablas español?  Tenemos informacion a la comida por Pawling niños y estudiantes: aqui


 Food, Medicine, and Necessities Assistance:

Need help getting food? Contact one of these local Food Pantries or partners for assistance.

  • Pawling Resource Center: 845-855-3459
    Hours: M-F from 10am-4pm and Saturday from 10am – 3pm They deliver! Call for information.
  • Pawling United Methodist Church: 845-855-5350
    Wednesday meal delivery: Their weekly Wednesday free community dinners are now being delivered. Call and leave a message–they check the voicemail regularly.
  • Dutchess Responds Food Connection: 845-486-3555 and select Option 5 or visit
  • Brewster Community Food Pantry: 914-649-8002; 845-279-7587
    Hours: Tuesday, 10:00 am -12:00 pm, Thursday, 1:00-3:00 pm


Delivery for Seniors and Homebound Residents

Whenever possible, it is best for seniors to maintain social distancing procedures. This can be difficult in places like grocery stores and pharmacies. If you are homebound or a senior who does not want to go out in public during COVID-19, contact the Pawling Resource Center. They can go shopping and set up home delivery for those in need at no cost. The Pawling Resource Center will deliver food to Pawling residents from the Food Pantry for free. If you need to food shop and cannot leave home, the PRC will provide a volunteer who will call you, take your food order, and shop for you and deliver to your door. Volunteers can also pick up medication prescriptions at Hannaford, Resolution, or CVS for you and deliver to your door. Call 845 855-3459 for information.

The Resource Center also has plenty of food and supplies available for those in need during this time. They are ready and available to help with anything our community’s seniors need, as they are aware that many of the support and social programs they rely on have been cancelled. Please DO NOT HESITATE to call the PRC at 845-855-3459 to arrange any of these services or ask for help. Delivery, supplies, and more are of no cost. They are open M-F from 10am-4pm and Saturday from 10am – 3pm. 

See also: Expanded services offered by Dutchess County Office for the Aging

Masks and Face Coverings

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that anyone going out in public wear a mask or face covering to help stop the spread of COVID-19. To help prevent the shortage of medical grade masks for healthcare providers and those most at-risk in our community, the general public has been instructed to wear cloth masks or face coverings. Here are some ideas for making masks at home, using supplies you may already have on hand:

¿Hablas español?  Tenemos informacion a cómo usar cubiertas (tapabocas) : aqui

Emergency Childcare for Health Professionals and First Responders and their Families:

The Pawling School District will be providing emergency childcare to the children of any essential worker in our community.  Find out more here.  Scholarships may be available.


Support for Utilities:

The Office of the NYS Comptroller has put together a “COVID-19 Financial Survival Toolkit for New Yorkers” that may have helpful advice if you need support for utilities.

No cost internet access: PCSD has also put together information on many no cost internet access programs available. View it here. 

¿Hablas español? Información sobre obtener Internet sin costo está aquí.

From Central Hudson: “Customers who have concerns about bill payment or other Central Hudson services are encouraged to reach out using Central Hudson’s online “web chat” feature, via email through the “Contact Us” page on the website, or by phone at 845-452-2700. For payment assistance options, visit

Job Openings and Unemployment Information


Find a job:

-JobNow: Resume, job search, and interview help including live one-on-one help and expert resume analysis within 24 hours from the Resume Lab. Available for free to anyone with a library card.

Dutchess County Essential Hiring: Positions needing immediate fill are available for view on Dutchess County’s One Stop Career Center. All are local, and feature a wide variety of skills/education levels.

-NY State Department of Labor Hire Now Portal: Includes job openings across the state that need to be filled quickly

-NY State Department of Labor Seasonal Employment Portal: Includes part time and seasonal employment across the state.

-Jobs Express: This site features NY jobs for our region under the “Hudson Valley Region” tab. These are broken down by industry, including sales, management, farming, transportation, and more.  Features many job openings that are not found on Department of Labor sites across a variety of industries. Use the keyword “remote” to see employment opportunities that can be done from home.


Unemployment and financial assistance:

The Office of the NYS Comptroller has put together a “COVID-19 Financial Survival Toolkit for New Yorkers” that may have helpful advice if you need support for utilities, mortgage relief, or tips for avoiding financial and employment scams.

If you need help figuring out how to file online, our friends at The Poughkeepsie Public Library have put together a  guide on how to file an unemployment claim online.

Many Americans who do not traditionally qualify for unemployment, including independent contractors and the self-employed may qualify for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.




Healthy Parenting/Parenting Resources:

Healthy parenting can feel impossible when you’re working from home and trying to manage your kids’ education and needs. it’s even harder when you’re facing financial uncertainties or mental health crises. We’ve gathered some resources to aid parents in this difficult time.

Healthy Parenting Tips for Caregivers and Children from the…

…World Health Organization:

…New York State Office of Mental Health:

…a librarian curated collection of articles and videos:


Homework Help and Online Learning Resources:

Free Coronavirus eBooks for children and families:

Dutchess County Homework Help Portal:

Online Educational Resources:

Go Noodle for Indoor Recess and Brain Breaks:
Check out library favorites including Pop-see-koo, Meow, Moo, Moo, and Go Bananas!


Health Services:


Getting outside: and exercising are important parts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is possible to practice social distancing techniques while experiencing the outdoors. Playgrounds, dog parks, trails, and open spaces welcome your use. Visit for more information about Town Parks. Looking for places to walk or hike? Visit 

Online Exercise:

These 8 Tips for Staying Active During Coronavirus might help you feel inspired, too!

Looking for something kid-friendly? Teachers and kids love Go Noodle! for indoor recess and quick study breaks. Even grown ups can get in on the dancing and moving. Check out library favorites including Pop-see-koo, Meow, Moo, Moo, and Go Bananas! Find it at


Mental Health Resources:

New York State’s Office of Mental Health is providing many tips and resources to help us deal with the stress and anxiety brought on by COVID-19 and the disruptions to our daily lives. Visit for emergency resources and tips for wellness.


COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline: 1-844-863-9314


New York has a free COVID-19 Emotional Support hotline. “The Emotional Support Line provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety or stress due to the coronavirus emergency.

The Help Line is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals, who have received training in crisis counseling.” -New York State Office of Mental Health





NY state has partnered with Headspace, a high-quality meditation and mindfulness app. Access their content for free for New Yorkers here. Disponible en Español también.



NAMI and People USA Peer Support “Warm Lines” (845) 452-2728 ext 450 or  (845) 452-2728 ext 606

Not in crisis but still feeling stressed and worried? Feeling isolated with no one to talk to about your concerns about family dynamic, money, health, or working remotely? Warm lines are designed to provide assistance before mental health issues grow overwhelming or crisis arises. The lines are typically free, confidential peer-support services staffed by volunteers or paid employees who have experienced mental health conditions themselves. Call anytime.


Coping with Addiction:

Recovering and those currently struggling with addictions,  such as alcohol and narcotic addiction, can now attend free online support groups via American Addiction Centers. For more information, visit:

Also, check out the virtual events hosted by the Hudson Valley Recovery Community & Outreach Center! They are offering virtual meetups for wellness, relapse prevention, and recovery peer support, as well as interactive social events unrelated to recovery. Check out their virtual calendar here.

¿Hablas español? “Apoyo de recuperación por paresLunes, 3: 00-4: 00 pm Una reunión donde puede discutir los desafíos de la recuperación, compartir sus “consejos” con otros, hacer una lluvia de ideas para superar las barreras y obtener la fuerza de otros en la recuperación. Esta reunión es facilitada por defensores homólogos certificados de recuperación que han vivido experiencia con el uso de sustancias. Esta reunión está abierta a cualquier persona mayor de 18 años. Para más información, Por favor llame o envíe un mensaje de texto (914) 359-9648.”

Lastly, if you or someone you know is looking for more information on addiction and recovery centers, RehabSpot has helpful information. They cover warning signs of addiction, recovery center locations, and how our evolving COVID-19 situation affects Rehab facilities.


Crisis Resources:

Hotlines, provided by the NYS Office of Mental Health and Dutchess County:

24/7 Dutchess County Crisis Help Line:

If you or someone you know is experiencing a substance abuse or mental health emergency, the county crisis help line is available. Call or Text 845-485-9700, Toll Free at 877-485-9700

NY State Crisis Text Line:
New York State has partnered with Crisis Text Line, an anonymous texting service available 24/7. Starting a conversation is easy. Text GOT5 to 741741.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
If your life or someone else’s is in imminent danger, please call 911. If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please call: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Domestic Violence:
If you or someone else is in a relationship is being controlled by another individual through verbal, physical, or sexual abuse, or other tactics, please call: 1-800-942-6906

Suicide Prevention
If your life or someone else’s is in imminent danger, please call 911. If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please call (800) 273-8255, 24/7.